Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Little Miss Perfect.

Ah! Perfection. It's an evil word. For people like me at least! Not because i am jealous of people who are "perfect" but lately i'v come to realise just how much we all push ourselves to be perfect including myself. Don't even ask how much i push myself to be "perfect". I've had times when i breakdown completely for the sole reason that i can't live up to my own notions of perfection! Le'ts accept it. We all want to be perfect in everything we do and all that we are. I see someone who is better at something than me and don't even ask how much i push myself and mentally harass my own self to be, if not more, then just as good at it.
As someone who has studied psychology at a very basic level i can tell you that from a lot of research some very intelligent people have established how we all have our own capabilities. There is no standard kind of a structure which says that this right here is perfection and this is your level, i am level 51 you are level 54 blah blah. But in spite of knowing all that we often look at people and think "Oh my god! She or he is perfect." And then we push ourselves to excel in something we not only have no aptitude in but also no interest in! And i do it effing a lot. Like A LOOOOOOOOT. All the effing time!
If you do that too then let me tell you why i am even worse off than you and give you a little bit of happiness. I have a problem, okay? I want to be perfect and at the same time i am one of those people who don't care one bit about what people have to say about them (this does not include certain people) So do you see how weird that is? The notion of perfection is set by the society and other people and i want to be perfect and yet i don't care what people think. So yes. I am a whole new level of weirdness and insanity.
But the point is, is there anything called perfection? No seriously! What on earth is perfect? Who is perfect? At this moment i can point at someone and say "THIS! THIS EFFING PERSON RIGHT HERE IS PERFECT" and then that person will point at another derp and say s/he is perfect and its a never ending chain! So maybe after all there is nothing like perfection! Either that or well everyone is perfect in their own little way and of course is blind to it. Until some amazing person walks up to you and honestly and out of no ulterior motive tells you just how amazing and perfect you are. This of course doesn't mean that everyone thinks that those same reasons make you amazing. Some people may hate you for the same reason someone loves you!
Of course we should push ourselves to do better but we shouldn't be so afraid of failure or the inability to do something. Maybe it's not for you! So try something new! Something different! And even if you think you aren't any good at it maybe just maybe there is someone sitting and watching you and thinking "God! How i wish i could be as perfect as him/her" :)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Read if you hate people too.

Hi! If you are reading this clearly you hate people too and that means we can be friends and i like you! Heh. No. Like i said i hate people.
Ohmigawd! I know what you're thinking right now! Wow. What is wrong with her? Isn't she like all nice and wise and shit? Well...ummm.... *Awkward grin*
Well no one is all wise and nice and sweet and polite all the time. (I realised i was being wise and nice and sweet and polite while saying that! Damn it. I want to be mean) Don't you have days when you just want to watch the world burn along with all the people living on it for no reason? No one pissed you off. Nothing bad happened but EVERYONE DESERVES TO FUDGING DIE! I'd curse more openly but my family reads my blog. Has to pretends i don't know any curse words and even if i do i don't use them. So yeah. Hello to which ever member of my family is reading this! *wide awkward grin*

Anyways! Coming back to watching people die. (I think i need a shrink because typing "watching people die" made me grin. It did again. Needs a shrink!) So let me help you with what you should do when you are in such a mood because of two reasons:

1. Watching people die in real life would be really traumatizing.
2. Killing people is illegal and it might traumatize you.
3. I know i said two but fudge you! i want to give you another reason and i don't want to change that two. Both the above reasons are traumatizing and no one wants to go the shrink. Those people charge shit load.

So now let me tell you what feels good when you want to watch people drop dead for no reason other than that they are annoying douches (Yes but no that's not but is a not curse word mommie. Also me loves you):

1. Watch violent movies - Watching people die in movies isn't traumatizing for some reason. Until and unless you are on PMS and you actually start thinking how innocent people just died for your entertainment but they did not really and that makes you cry in spite of the fact that it's an ACTION movie. Wait what?! It never happened to you?! How emotionless are you?! I just got more reasons to hate people.

2. Curse - If you can't out loud do it in your head. Cursing helps. And yes mom it's a psychological fact! Google it before you ground me.

3. Throw pillows - Why? Because they don't break and if something breaks your mom will either hit you or scream at you which will only make the people-hate mood worse.

4. Sleep - Honestly taking a nap just sorts every problem in the world including people-hating mood.

5. Make a plan on how you want to kill that biatch you hate - People-hate mood will really help you in planning the most inhuman way to kill someone you hate. FOR POLICE WHO IS INVESTIGATING A MURDER WITH POSSIBLE LEADS TO THIS BLOG POST I SAID PLAN NOT KILL. YOU CANT PUT ME IN JAIL FOR THAT SUCKERS!

And that's about it. If this doesn't help get a shrink and try not to kill your shrink for sucking your money and not helping a bit. Lul no. Shrinks actually help. (No that's a lie but you need to be politically correct and shit)