Friday, 20 June 2014

Everyone wants to be catched.

Sometimes you know that people around you love you but you also know that it doesn't necessarily mean that they understand you. All those fancy books on building good relationships would tell you that no one can read your mind! You have to communicate what you need the other person to know, I'm not all that fancy and what i, as a "nonfancy" person want is for people who love me to sometimes understand what i am going through without having to tell them what i am going through in words.
Don't you wish sometimes that someone looked you in the eye and saw through that facade and just knew what's troubling you. Sometimes you don't want to or just cannot express what you are going through, not in words at least. We don't have the strength to unburden ourselves from what troubles us the most by saying it out loud. Maybe we don't have the strength to, maybe it makes us feel exposed and vulnerable or maybe we just don't want someone to feel pity on us. 
Some people think we hide our weakness' deep inside us but what i feel is that we wear them like an armor. As something with which we can shield what we truly feel on the inside from everyone around us. Maybe if we stopped looking on the inside then and just looked at another person without any preconceptions and just really looked at them and listened to what they say we could understand what's troubling them.
There's a very famous book and i'm sure a lot of you would've read it too, it's called "The Catcher in Rye".
So Holden (the guy in the book) is talking about how he pictures a field of rye and there's a cliff and there are children playing in the field and he just wants to catch them. After reading this the first thing that i thought was that isn't that exactly what we want? When you are running around doing stupid stuff someone to make sure you don't fall of the cliff. You just want to be catched. I know "catched" isn't a word but it expresses the essence of what i want to say so well yeah deal with it bro. Tough world.