Friday, 3 October 2014

Brain vs Heart

I've been in this situation for the past few weeks which has taken over my mind COMPLETELY. Like i don't think about anything else nowadays besides the dilemma that i am in. The reason for this dilemma is that my heart wants one thing and my brain wants another.
 Now based on past experiences i really want to go with what my brain tells me to do. In the past i've listened to my heart and ended up in pretty bad situations. Now everybody says that listen to your heart and you'll never go wrong. Umm...i beg to differ. Hearts are stupid. Yes, they are loving but they are emotional fools. They are irrational and incapable of making sound decisions. Also isn't our heart just a muscle? Like technically it's job is to pump blood to our body and i agree that it is a VERY important job but really who gave heart the right to rule?! It's like giving a monkey a laptop. The brain on the other hand has been assigned the job to think and decide and yet everyone out there is like "Just listen to your heart."
Well hearts pump blood they don't have the extraordinary talent of being able to think. So when anyone is telling you to listen to your heart what they really mean is do what your emotions are telling you to do.
 Now let me give you a very important piece of advice coming from a lot of experience. You will ALWAYS make the WRONG decision when you are emotional. The thing is when you are emotional you tend to think and create things whih may not actually exist. For example, i read this one article where a kid kept arguing that santa claus was real because his teacher told him so and that his sister was lying.
 What i feel is that the reason the kid wanted to believe that santa exists was because the idea that a fat, cuddly man who gives you presents exists sounds much better than the idea that he doesn't. You get what i'm trying to put through?
 Sorry to pop your bubble but both the thoughts are coming from your brain. The whole eternal battle of heart vs brain is really just brain vs brain. Its the battle of what your emotions are telling you to do and what the rational, logical part of your head is telling you to do. And to anyone with a sound brain, the better idea is to listen to the rational, logical side.

Wow. Doesn't that sound easy?! When did life get this easy?!
 Oh wait. It didn't.
 *POP* Another bubble burst.
 Listening to your brain doesn't mean that it's going to be all rosy and good. The thing is when you don't do what your emotions want you to do, you aren't very happy either. Since i had decided to listen to my brain and put it to practice too, i've been a little miserable. Not as miserable as i would be had i listened to my emotions but miserable nonetheless. Its like when you want to have chocolate cake but you are doing the whole healthy living thing and you don't eat cake and instead go for the god damned celery stick and it tastes bad but you know you did the right thing but you're still not happy. You would've felt guilty about eating the chocolate cake but celery makes you miserable! But you also know that its the right thing to do.

So what is the final deal then? Emotions or logic?


The thing is you can only be at peace when your emotions and logic want the same thing. Sometimes in life you come at such a path where both the roads lead to a little bit of misery. One may lead to a little more misery. My mom always tells me that in life when you have to choose between two paths and one looks easier than the other, always choose the difficult path. I apply that here too. Even though chocolate cake would make me really happy right now in the long term it's going to make me miserable and even though celery tastes horrible, i know it'll be worth it.
 Btw, i'm not dieting or anything. The celery and chocolate thing is just an example. So i guess for me, for now, it's going to be listening to the logical and rational part of my head for probably the first time in my life and we'll see how that goes. :)